Sunday, April 29, 2012

C4T #4

April Teacher Blog: Caren Carrillo
Mrs. Carrillo is a straight talking history, technology, [and] beyond educator.
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My favorite quotes from her blog:
President Obama's 9/23/11 Education Speech
In reference to Obama's Education Speech Mrs. Carrillo wrote "The problem is apathy toward education. When parents teach their children to value learning, education will be vastly more productive. However, when schools are expected to singlehandedly educate children who don't care about learning, these schools will invariably fail. Instead, education must be a team effort in which schools and families work together to achieve a similar goal."
A Different Approach to Bullying
In the post A Different Approach to Bullying she suggests: "Let's give them the tools to become increasingly independent and take an active role in the world around them....[Bullying is] usually a symptom of something else that should be addressed and potentially could be fixed if we focused on the kids themselves instead of their behavior."

I found her most recent post Assigning Homework: Use the Power Wisely
 to offer really great advice. While Mrs. Carrillo sees value in homework she also encourages teachers to consider that children also have active lives outside of the classroom and should be respected by assigning homework selectively and explain to parents the purpose/validity of the assignment to "make homework productive, to avoid "dumb homework." I commented about the importance of a teache'rs understanding of kids having playtime after school hours and how her advice is invaluable to me as a future educator. Here is a link to my comment if you're interested in my thoughts on this subject.
boy at chalkboard wondering

When Will We Ever Need To Know This?"
This is my last C4T for EDM class. I think this is the most useful comment assignment of the semester for me. I like getting advice and information from people who are experienced in my field. I believe this is how we are able to grow and develop into more effective facilitators with some beginning advice to follow. I continue to follow my first teacher blog and will continue to follow Mrs. Carrillo, they both always have great things to say. Her most recent post "When will we ever need to know this?" she shares a great way to respond to students who raise this question in class. Here is my comment

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